At Hinds Energy, we make it easy for you to pay your heating oil and propane bills. Our Montrose and Susquehanna, PA area friends and neighbors enjoy these fuel pricing and payment options:

  • Will-Call delivery: With this plan, you will call our office whenever you need a fuel refill and we will guarantee delivery within 3-5 business days; if not sooner. Will-call is a good option for people whose fuel consumption is not consistent. The drawbacks of this plan are that you must keep track of fuel levels in your tank and call before it's at one-quarter full. Payment for this option must be presented prior to the delivery of the fuel. If you would like Hinds Energy to deliver your heating oil or propane when you need it - no watching the tank and no waiting for a delivery - consider our free automatic delivery service.
  • Prompt payment discount: To reward you for your prompt payment, we offer a 30-cent-per-gallon discount for payments received within 10 days of your heating oil or propane delivery.
  • Dual fuel discount: Contact us about our special discount for dual heating oil and propane users
  • Pay online: Now that you're online, you can enjoy the convenience of paying your Hinds Energy bills online. You'll save time ... you'll save stamps ... and online payments are also a great way to go "green" - reducing the amount of paper we all use by transferring your payments digitally. It's quick, easy and completely secure, so give it a try now!

Budget & Prepay Plans

It will come as no surprise that the budget and prepay prices this year will be higher than they have been in recent years. We have been diligently working towards solutions for you that are the very best we can offer. Before delving into the details, let's provide a bird's-eye view of the plans available along with their strengths and weaknesses for you, our valued customer.

  • Traditional Budget Plan: This plan offers you the ability to have consistent monthly payments without having to be concerned with those dreaded multiple fill-ups in a single month. This plan does not offer any protection should the cost of fuel increase over the coming months. Your price per gallon will automatically be reduced should the price of heating oil or propane fall during the winter. Your payments will be monthly for 12 months.
  • Fixed Budget Plan: This offers you protection if the price increases over the winter months. However, if the prices fall during the contract period, the price will remain at the higher price. Your payment will be monthly for 12 months.
  • Fixed Prepay Plan: This offers you the same protection as the Fixed Budget at a discount or lower price of 10 cents per gallon. Your complete payment is due at the time of the contract signing.
  • Capped Budget Plan: This offers you protection if the price increases over the winter months. In addition, if the price of fuel falls during the contract period, your price will go down, yielding you the best of both worlds. Your payments will be monthly for 12 months. There will be a one-time payment for the Capped Plan Protection fee, which is due at the time of signing. The actual cap fee will be set on the date of the contract.
  • Capped Prepay Plan: This offers you protection if the price increases over the winter months at a discount of 10 cents per gallon. In addition, if the price of fuel falls during the contract period, your price will go down. Your complete payment is due at the time of the contract signing, including the cap fee, which will be set on the date of the contract.

We are frequently asked about which plan is best for you. Our answer is to get the one you can afford with as much protection as your budget allows. While historically this approach does not work every single year, over many years, having protection in place has saved our customers their hard-earned dollars. We strongly recommend being on a plan of some sort. Being able to plan ahead with the knowledge that your payments will not change is a great position to be in, as there is little else we can say that about. One other piece of advice is do not try to guess what will happen to heating oil or propane prices.

If you would like further information about a plan custom designed to meet your needs please call our office at (570) 278-3811.

* To enroll in plans with 12 monthly payments you must be credit approved and have a zero balance. Automatic delivery is required for Capped and Fixed Plans.

* These plans are evaluated periodically and if your usage increases—your budget can be raised to keep your payment in like with your usage.

*Please note that Capped Plans may not be available every year. Please call the office for the most current information.
