We love to save our customers money!
Hinds Energy periodically offers online specials and coupons to help you save money and reduce energy usage. Please check this page from time to time to find new and exclusive offers for our heating and cooling, lubricants, commercial services and Hinds Mart customers.
Multi-Product Customers
Call and ask us about our multi-product discounts for customers with both heating oil and propane.
Discount Fuels & Self-Service at Hinds Energy Online
Visit our self-service website: HindsEnergyOnline.com, where our prices on heating oil and propane are lower than ordering by phone. HindsEnergyOnline.com eliminates the overhead of processing orders, billing costs, credit account maintenance and the degree day record keeping of our full-service and/or automatic delivery accounts; passing the savings on to you!
Restrictions may apply: Automatic delivery, prepay, budget, LIHEAP, and NY HEAP customers do not place orders on Hinds Energy Online as it could disrupt your normal delivery schedule and/or void your contract, etc. If you are out of fuel, do not place an emergency delivery on HindsEnergyOnline.com. Propane customers must own their own tank and submit a bill of sale to order via Hinds Energy Online.
Hinds VIP Rewards
Save many ways by enrolling in our free customer loyalty program here!
View our current specials and promotions on Lubricants here.